
The projects (programs) offered by Klesis.

  1. Group-specific Study Sessions

Klesis holds study sessions divided by age and position, centered around the monthly “Business and Bible Meeting.” Each study session consists of a small group of 4-6 members who learn from the programs provided by Klesis. Rather than short-term intensive programs, these sessions continue on a monthly to bimonthly basis. Building relationships through interactions among study session members is valued. The study sessions are offered online, allowing participation from anywhere, with several in-person social gatherings held throughout the year.

  1. Coaching/Mentoring

For Klesis members, coaching and mentoring are available both face-to-face and online as needed. Instructors with business experience and pastoral counseling experience lead discussions on career, business, and faith.

  1. Planning and Holding Social Gatherings

We plan and hold on-site (face-to-face) social gatherings for business professionals and executives. Especially through cross-generational and cross-positional interactive conversations, there are various discoveries and learnings about business and faith at every gathering. (Currently, social gatherings are held in Tokyo and Osaka.)

(Example of a social gathering in Osaka, November 2023)

  1. Creation and Provision of Educational Content

We are editing the texts used in each study session as educational content. Preparation is underway to make these texts available for the third term (fiscal year 2024). The content of the Business and Bible Meeting (Sessions 1-24) is currently available for streaming.

(This content is available in Japanese only)